Submitting for Review

Approval for access via Lender Production Environments

To release your integration into production, follow the below steps.

  1. Create a product instance that points to your production environment. You need your production Webhook's endpoint and interface URL for your UI and backend.

  2. Work with the Ellie Mae EPC team to apply your data entitlements to your defined production product.

  3. Add the access entitlement for your sandbox Encompass instance to this new product, then run your test suite to validate your integration configuration and deployment functions.

  4. Once your production environment works as expected, submit your integration for approval. Once approved, you will not be able to access your integration from your Encompass sandbox instances.

A request for submitting a product is made by setting the status to "inReview" as shown below:

PATCH{product id}
Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
  "status": "inReview"

Ellie Mae will review the following areas prior to approving the integration for production service order traffic:

1. Entitlement review
A final review of access and data entitlements will ensure appropriateness for releasing to production.

2. UX Review
Ellie Mae will review the UX workflow to ensure UX consistency. If issues are identified, Ellie Mae will work with you to address the concerns.

3. Security Review
Ellie Mae will test your integration's security measures to safeguard borrowers' and lenders' data. See Security Review Process for Production for more information.